Abit AX5 Specifications Page 14

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1-10 Chapter 1
The EISCA(Enhanced Intelligent System Cooler Architecture)
is a specially designed 12-pin interface which integrates the
Mainboard and the CPU cooling system. This system is a total
solution for PC system heat sink problems.
Due to increasing CPU speed, which causes higher
temperatures, finding ways to effectively deal with CPU
temperatures is becoming a more and more crucial problem.
Effectively and precisely determining CPU temperature was a
very important requirement. The area directly under the CPU
socket is the location on the mainboard. closest to the CPU,
and heat is conducted away from this area through air
circulation. Determining temperature change under
these circumstances is very imprecise, as it only allows us to
detect large changes in temperature. In addition, because the
air under the CPU socket is confined to this area, the sensor
cannot detect temperature in real time. Tests have proven that
under such circumstances, even after 5 minutes the sensor
located under the CPU socket is unable to detect real
temperature change, so it can not meet the requirements for
thermal problems.
In EISCA architecture, the thermal sensor is located at the
heat-sink. In this way, the sensor is able to detect CPU
temperature in real time and more precisely. The EISCA
monitors voltage, fan speed and fan on/off control to meet the
important specifications.
Note: All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
*Specifications and information contained in this catalogue are subject to change without
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